Here you can find extraordinary moments of our past, some of which had happened and the others were really close to becoming a reality. Either way, all of the events that you would read about here are equally as interesting and deserve attention!

Some of the people you would find information about are forgotten heroes, some of them - just plain insane. Honestly though, they all have something in common and that is indeed the fact, that they are just quite unusual.

Wars have always been a thing since the start of the human civilization. Occasionally they might be avoided, but sadly that is not always the case. Let's find out which are the most interesting and bizarre conflicts the world has ever seen.

Unusual Events
Here is a little introduction to the currently available articles, dedicated to introducing the hidden gems in our past!
Some of our work includes topics, such as for example how and when the flying aircraft carriers existed, the attempt the Russian empire made to sell the Territory of Alaska to Liechtenstein (one of the smallest countries in the world), rather than the U.S, or how a cavalry brigade captured an entire fleet!
There is a lot going on around here and if you want to give a suggestion for a future topic just click below!
P.S. Here’s a short video of the beautiful state of Alaska. Ain’t it fascinating that all of this could have been owned by the House of Liechtenstein!

Unusual People
At this point I won’t bother repeating the same things written previously, so let me just mention some of the stuff around these unusual folks.
Here you can read about one brave Portuguese diplomat, who saved the lives of tens of thousands of Jews during the Second World War, the atrocities of one rather well-known Roman emperor or the master mind, who managed to sell the Eiffel tower…twice!
Have fun!
Unusual Wars
When it comes to wars in general, I believe we can all agree to the statement that, for the most part, they are not only unnecessary, but also quite disastrous for the humanity. However, these wars differ from the others for various reasons.
For starters, the very different opponents make an impression, such as when the United States waged a war against the Muslim pirates of the Mediterranean (I mean, what on earth has the U.S. of all places to do with some random pirates like 7000 km away…). The Canadian-Croatian War is another example for the matter and there are others as well.
Another factor, that distinguishes these wars form the others, is the extremely stupid reasons why some of them are being waged, such as the so called “War of the Bucket”, when two Italian cities fought with each other over a bucket!
All in all, I believe that it is important for people to read and be more interested in the military conflicts of our past, so that the mistakes we made then can be prevented today and tomorrow.